Issues will be available in print and e-book formats.
The theme for the autumn 2010 issue will be:
Use that catchphrase and take it where you will.
We are currently looking for poetry to 50 lines and flash fiction to 1000 (negotiable) words. NO REPRINTS considered.
- Payment for poetry is $.25 per line.
- Payment for flash is $.05 per word.
- Contributors must have a valid Paypal account for monetary payment. Otherwise, payment will be in contributor’s copies only to equal payment amount. (No, cover price has not been determined yet.)
- All contributors receive one print and one electronic copy of the publication.
- Send up to three pieces at a time.
In subject line, remember to include “POE SUB.”
- Payment for cover art is $25, plus 1 contributor’s copy.
In subject line, remember to include “POE SUB.”
I am open to seeing samples and assigning cover work. Artists may submit a web address instead of attached samples. I am open to seeing art as of today (4/12/2010).
We are obtaining First North American Print and Electronic Rights.
Direct all submissions, questions or comments to nspbooks (at) live (dot) com